To contribute to the training of young talents of the Territory, DUNA has activated collaborations with local Universities and Colleges, aimed at the temporary inclusion of undergraduates and students in the Company. From 2015 to date, 30 training projects of University Internship or School-Work Alternation have been carried out: a concrete opportunity for growth, a direct experience of Workplace and responsible Innovation
To continue growing, a Company must have strong values, solid roots and fresh minds. Since 1957, DUNA has been solidly linked to the Territory that hosts it and committed to creating Innovation for the market, Wellness for its Community and opportunities for growth for the young people. For this reason, the DUNA Group has decided to activate collaborations with local universities and high schools to host students interested in interfacing with the world of work and making a first real experience.
Duna training projects include the insertion of the selected undergraduates and students within the Company departments most relevant to their study path and the assignment of challenging and useful tasks. The goal is to contribute to the personal and professional growth of the young people, offering them a direct experience and a real inclusion in Company life and projects.
Since 2015, DUNA has activated collaborations with the Universities of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Bologna and Parma, hosting a total of 14 undergraduates, coming from different scientific-economic Faculties, inserted in the Company Departments of Supply Chain, Technical Office, R&D Laboratory and Commercial Department.
This is the so-called "Internship Projects Management", the DUNA Program that aims to systematize its Training Internship paths, structuring the processes of selection of candidates, definition of the Internship program and Thesis writing, as well as monitoring of the activities carried out and results obtained. The foundation, however, remains the human side, the constant encounter with the DUNA Tutors and a real involvement in office activities and relationships.
"The DUNA objective is to accompany the graduating students in the development of their Thesis through a structured project, shared with the University, centered on Corporate innovation projects but above all significant for the young student" explains Anita de Felice, Material Manager of DUNA Corradini as well as IPM Program Manager "The Undergraduates always demonstrate great enthusiasm and curiosity, bring a valuable contribution, a new perspective that becomes an opportunity for inspiration and growth for the DUNA TEAM itself. For this reason, despite the pandemic, since 2019 DUNA has decided to intensify Training projects, reaching 11 University trainees in just over two years"
Since 2017, collaborations have also been activated with the ITS Maker Institutes of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Higher Technical School specialized in two-year post-diploma education courses, which have brought to DUNA 3 more Trainees from the Packaging, Mechanics, Automotive and Mechatronics areas. For these training projects as well, the goal remains to offer young people a first direct experience of the world of work, to arrive at the end of their school path with a clearer idea of their personal aspirations and areas of interest.
In the same year DUNA has also joined the School-Work Alternation project, the novelty introduced by Law 2015/107 (The Good School), which imposes as obligation for all students of the last three years of high school, including lyceums, to carry out a concrete experience in a Enterprise. This legislation aims to achieve the principle of the Open School, an innovative teaching method where practical experience in a Company allows you to consolidate the knowledge acquired at school and test the young’s attitudes on the field, guiding their subsequent study and then work path.
"From 2017 to now we have hosted 13 students from Technical Institutes, notably ITI Fermi of Modena, ITI Corni of Modena and ITI Da Vinci of Carpi, who have been included in the Quality Control and ICT Departments for 2 to 4 week periods" continues Marco Fantuzzi, HR Specialist of DUNA Corradini "Despite their young age, these students have shown great maturity, commitment and spirit of initiative in carrying out the assigned tasks and they offered us an out-of-the-box approach, typical of the new generations. Energy and curiosity are essential resources to continue to grow and learn, both for young future workers and for a structured Company like DUNA!"
Thanks to all the undergraduates and students who from 2015 to today have had the opportunity to live our Company and accompany DUNA in its path of growth and innovation