
With satisfaction we present a vanguard application for our adhesives DUNAPOL® AD, selected and currently used for the realization of Woodskin® panel, produced by the company Woodskin Srls.

Woodskin® is a composite panel that reinvents the use of wood, thanks to a production process that combines a tissue glued to containing sheets subsequently worked with CNC machines.

High performances of tissue, of DUNAPOL® AD adhesive, and of the involved materials make it flexible and resistant, allowing to take very different shapes that answer to every design need and become different effective aesthetical solutions. Thicknesses, dimensions, forms, geometries and finishing are absolutely flexible and customizable and the possible applications of this panel in architecture and design are almost endless.

DUNAPOL® AD adhesives are more and more employed in every industrial field for the most different applications thanks to their adaptability and flexibility, but it is for us of extreme satisfaction to see them employed in such an innovative and impactful project like the Woodskin® panel.

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Watch the video: dubai dynamic suspended ceiling 

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